Wired NASA Slogan Winners

Posted: 1 October 2007 in Uncategorized
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Wired has announced the winners of the NASA slogan contest they were running a while back. As I said in a previous post, I made a submission, but not long after doing that I soon regretted it. My choice of slogan was more of a sci-fi joke, so had no chance. I thought it was at least mildly amusing, but it got voted down pretty harshly, so apparently not.

“Earth is not room enough.”

So the winners were announced today and they aren’t bad. The top 3 are:

  1. Exploring Other Worlds, Understanding Our Own
  2. NASA: Explorers Wanted
  3. NASA: Bringing the Universe to Your Doorstep

Well, they aren’t great. The first choice is definitely my favorite of the three. They also listed the entire top 25, but I won’t reproduce them all here. My favorites of those are:

  • Fueling Imagination
  • Innovation Through Exploration
  • The Universe is Waiting

And my favorite amusing entry:

  • Ad Astra, Per Asparagus

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